This Administration Manual is a guide for the initial and runtime configuration of SAP J2EE Engine 6.20. It introduces application server administration tools and provides comprehensive information and troubleshooting tips on specific points of SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 administration.
The Administration Manual is addressed to system administrators whose task is the initial configuration and further maintenance of SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 System. This section must also be considered by administrators and developers who perform deployment tasks and runtime administration of the system.
This manual assumes that you are familiar with the following topics:
The contents of this manual is organized into several subsections, as described below:
This section introduces the tools provided for administration of SAP J2EE Engine 6.20. It provides detailed description of the Visual Administrator tool, Console Administrator tool, Config Tool, and Property Files.
This section presents an overview of fundamental clustering concepts implemented in SAP J2EE Engine 6.20. It also describes the general requirements for cluster configuration, how to add nodes to the cluster, and how to administer it with the tools provided.
This section provides an overview of SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 Stand-Alone Version concepts, and guidelines for its administration.
This section provides information on typical administration tasks.
This section gives administrators information about general and SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 managers-specific properties, critical information, and troubleshooting tips. The section on managers-specific properties describes how to set the properties specified with the Visual Administrator tool, with the Console Administrator tool, and from the property files, as well as important issues from the administration of each manager.
This section gives system administrators information about general and SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 services-specific properties, critical information, and troubleshooting tips. The section on services-specific properties describes how to set the properties specified with the Visual Administrator tool, with the Console Administrator tool, and from the property files, as well as important issues from the administration of each service module.
This section contains a full description of all SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 Shell language commands, their syntax, properties, and example usage.
This section contains information about the content of SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 property files.
This is an index of the keywords used in the Administration Manual in alphabetical order.
The following font styles are used in SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 documentation to denote specific text expressions, words, and so on:
Monospaced fontService_0_Name=cluster\dispatcher
For information on SAP J2EE Engine 6.20 functions, refer to the following documents:
The official specifications on J2EE™ can be found at the following URL: